Accounting interviews can be stressful affairs. After all, you have a short window of time to make a great impression and separate yourself from the other candidates. Here are 6 things you can say in an accounting interview that will have employers sitting up and taking notice.
“I Am Coachable”
In a study by Leadership IQ, the single most important trait that determined the success of a new hire was coachability. Specifically, “23% of new hires failed because they could not accept feedback.” Make sure to talk about your ability to accept and implement feedback from bosses, colleagues and clients. Bonus points for connecting this willingness to improved performance and positive company outcomes.
“I Learned”
Employers are interested in how you well you learn from your mistakes and how adaptable you are. They also want to see that you’re invested in your professional growth. People who embrace lifelong learning also prize continuous improvement – a trait employers value.
“I Was Pleased With the Outcome”
Anyone can speak about their responsibilities and duties. What employers are really looking for is the results. Craft success stories around a challenge you faced, how you managed it and the benefits that resulted. Have specific numbers to back up what you’re saying.
“With Your Organization”
Show that you’ve researched the organization. Connect your skills and accomplishments to the company’s goals. Speak to the organization’s core values and mission. If it’s evident that you’ve already bought in, you make it easier for the employer to do the same.
“In the Future”
Employers are interested in hearing about purposeful career choices. Talk about how the organization is one you could grow with. Speak about where you see yourself in 3 or 5 years. What is it about the job that make sense for you at this stage of your career?
“I Am Highly Motivated”
We know from this research that employers and hiring managers want employees who are highly motivated. Motivation refers to the employee’s willingness to engage in dedicated hard work. Speak about a time that you went the extra mile to get a job done well, overcoming tight timelines or other challenges in the process.
Read: Interested in the kinds of questions that employers might ask to assess your motivation? Read “How to Assess Motivation in a Finance Interview.”
Key Takeaways
In an accounting interview you want to make the best possible impression that you can. This means speaking to the results you achieved, not just the duties you performed. Make sure to communicate that you’re making a purposeful career choice. Demonstrate that you feel you can bring value to the role and the organization. Speak to your coachability, willingness to learn and high level of motivation. Maximize your chances of being the candidate of choice by ensuring that you speak to the areas that employers are interested in hearing about.
Your Next Step
No one should walk the job search or hiring road alone. At Clarity Recruitment we help others realize their success through a process that marries proprietary technology with unwavering commitment. Contact us today to take control of your career, or to partner with us to hire well.
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