How to Write a Self-Assessment for Your Finance Job


Right up there with root canals and small dogs that won’t stop barking is the unparalleled joy that comes with writing a self-assessment for your finance job.  At first glance the task of writing a self-assessment seems daunting. What do you downplay? If you feel like you’ve hit several home runs, how much can you say without appearing self-congratulatory? It’s like an evaluation minefield. Interestingly, however, research has shown that we tend to be harder on ourselves than our bosses would ever be.

So with that in mind, we offer the following tips that should get you through your self-assessment with flying colours.

Tips for Writing a Self-Assessment
Your manager is busy balancing the needs of the team with the demands of senior leadership.  This means that he/she doesn’t always have the time to check in with you. Think of your self-assessment as a chance to open a dialogue with your manager.

The self-assessment is actually an opportunity to clarify your role and core responsibilities. Use this time to show that your duties play an integral part in helping the finance department achieve its goals. Better yet, if there is a discrepancy between how you see your duties, and what your manager thinks your role entails, your self-assessment gives you a chance for clarification.

It’s All in the Numbers
Be specific in your self-assessment, particularly when it comes to your accomplishments.  How many new clients did you bring in? What revenue did that represent? Did you identify an error? Refine a process?  What did that mean to the company?  Remember that outcome focused language, backed with data wins the day.

It can be tempting to be modest, but giving yourself a ‘2’ when you deserve a ‘3’ serves no one. Note your accomplishments. Communicate in your debrief with confidence. If there’s an area you’ve identified for improvement, come to the table with potential solutions – professional development for example.  Your boss will appreciate your solutions focused approach.

To learn how to communicate confidently (without risking arrogance) read this great article.

Speaking to your strengths is important, but so too is how they helped the team achieve its goals.  Employers value tenacity, great communication skills and people who operate from a posture of service. Did you volunteer for a leadership role? Organize an event that helped the team connect?  Help a colleague finish a project?  It’s important to talk about your people-related impact.

Write a self-assessment that balances what you’ve accomplished with where you need to go next. Clarify your role.  Draw connections between what you’ve done and the team’s success.  Demonstrate that you are open to acknowledging where you can improve and the approach that is needed to help you get there. Ultimately, know that a well-written self-assessment can open a constructive dialogue, build rapport with your manager and help you collaboratively chart a path for your next career step.

Your Next Step
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