Accounting Job Tips: How to Tell If a Company is a Fit


You spend upwards of 40 hours a week at your job. It’s important that the company and its culture be a fit for your career trajectory and core values. After all, if you don’t thrive in a company’s culture it can become sheer drudgery to go to work. Here’s how to tell if a company is a fit for you before you accept a finance or accounting job offer.

Before you even apply do your research:

  • Website – Look at the company’s website to see what they say about their culture. Read about their values. Do any of them resonate for you?
  • Reviews – Websites such as or offer insight into what it’s like to work for an organization. Look for common threads among reviews. If you see a consistent negative theme take note and determine if it’s a deal breaker for you. Similarly notice positive commentary and assess if it is enough to make you want to apply.
  • Social Media – Check out the company’s social media pages. Both LinkedIn and Facebook can help you get a sense of a company’s culture by noting what the organization shares with the public. Is it a socially responsible company that’s active in its community? Does that matter to you? LinkedIn can also be a great place to find both past and current employees. Perhaps someone in your network or even a 2nd level connection (someone who is connected to a person in your network) would be willing to give you some insight into working for the organization.

The Interview
The end of the interview is a great opportunity to ask about a company’s culture.  

  • Tip 1: Research your hiring manager before the interview. You know that he or she will be doing a google and social media search on you, so feel free to return the favor. Are there common interests that might help build rapport?

Read: Wants tips on how to identify a good manager in an interview? Read “How to Spot a Good Manager in a Finance Interview.

  • Tip 2: Ask the interviewer to describe the company’s culture. Make sure to ask specific questions. What is their favorite part of the job? Does the team get together after work? Do they have any formal programs in place to develop company culture? Mentoring?

Pro Tip: Look for companies that offer formal mentoring programs. It’s an indication that they invest in their employees and take their professional and personal development seriously.

  • Tip 3: Ask your interviewer what it takes to be defined as a “team player.” The answer can be very revealing. Is everybody expected to do their part regardless of title? Are there meetings where team input is sourced and respected? Does the interviewer speak about special training or seminars. If so, the organization is interested in building its future leaders.
  • Tip 4: The more freedom people have to make decisions about how they do their jobs, the greater their satisfaction. Make sure, therefore, to ask about autonomy within the team.

Read:Top Questions to Ask in a Finance Interview” for more questions that will help you evaluate whether a company is a fit for you.

Promotion and Reward
How do people get promoted in the organization? Is there an emphasis on promoting from within? How does the organization reward its top performers? Is the interviewer able to clearly articulate a path to career advancement?

Pro Tip: If the hiring manager is part of the interview process ask him or her to recount a time that an employee did something well. Look for managers who recognize success and encourage it through feedback and praise.

Key Takeaways
Culture matters. To determine if a company is a fit for you make sure you do your research before you apply. During the interview, ask questions that dig into a company’s culture. Don’t be afraid to ask about management styles, opportunities for advancement and how the company rewards its top employees. After all, as much as a company needs to understand what value you can add to the organization, you need to know if it’s a place that will sync with your career goals and core values.

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