3 Tips for a Successful Transition into International Accounting


So you are thinking of transitioning into international accounting.

Before you pack your bags, rent out your house and buy a new wardrobe, consider following the three tips outlined below.

Research the Country

It’s tempting to get caught up in the excitement of the moment and romanticize what your new life could be like. A better option is to spend some time researching the culture and climate of any new locale because chances are it’s going to be a big change from Canada. The more information you have before entering your new experience, the more likely you’ll be to minimize culture shock and adapt quickly, allowing you to do what you’re best at – deliver value for your organization.

Research the Company

Any international accounting job should be researched in advance. Learn about the company’s culture, core values and employee engagement philosophy. Ask to speak with coworkers before accepting any position and make sure that what you are being promised is what you’ll actually have to do on a daily basis.

Adjustment Period

After the initial excitement of moving to your new home wanes, don’t be surprised to be greeted by a period of homesickness. The key to success is quite simple – stay positive, understand that this phase will pass and that your comfort level with your job, company and new surroundings will increase.

An opportunity to transition into international accounting should be greeted with an equal measure of optimism and caution. Take the time to research both the country and the company. Understand that there will be an adjustment period. Most importantly, however, be excited that you are shifting your career and life in a new direction.