4 Things to Expect From Your New Finance Job at a Small Company


Small companies differ in some significant ways from their larger brethren. As such, they appeal to a very specific kind of person.

If you’re looking to take on a role with a small company, here are four things to expect that may make you wonder why you didn’t consider the leap sooner.

Expectation 1: You will be involved in more areas of the business.

Working for a smaller company in a finance role means accepting a larger scope. You’ll interact more cross-functionally and gain access to areas of the business you wouldn’t in a larger company. The benefit of this is that you’ll have a greater understanding of how the overall business works.

Expectation 2: You’ll have to get in to the trenches.
Smaller businesses don’t have an army of accountants or analysts to work in the trenches like larger organizations do. This means you need to be prepared to tighten the straps on your helmet and get in there. In a small company everyone pulls together.

Expectation 3: You’ll interact with more senior people.
In a smaller organization you’ll connect with senior people on a weekly, if not daily basis. This is particularly helpful in growing your skill set if you’re in the early stages of your career.

Expectation 4: There is a cultural difference.
Most candidates who work for a small company love the culture. Culture is particularly important in a smaller organization because of the size of the team. Everyone has to understand everyone else’s particular drivers in order to be successful. There is also an energy about smaller companies that can feed the right kind of person.

If you are thinking about working for a small company there are definitely things to expect. Know that you’ll have to get into the trenches with your team and that the culture will be quite different from a larger organization. You’ll increase cross-functional capability and perhaps gain a mentor from the senior leadership. Ultimately if you want to grow your skill set, a small company is a great place to do it.