In an earlier post we shared that new finance managers need to have a team-first mentality and connect with a mentor in order to lay a foundation for success.
Read on for our final three tips.
Be Responsive and Reliable
Nothing erodes trust faster than a manager who over promises and under delivers to their team. Fundamentally, your team wants you to be responsive and reliable. If you say that you are going to do something it is imperative that you follow through. As Trish Barbato, author of Inspire Your Career says, “Being responsive and reliable shows people that you respect them, and that respect really helps people build trust within your new team.”
Remove Barriers to Performance
This tip is of particular value to new finance managers who are supervising their previous team. As someone who used to be in the trenches you will have a unique understanding of potential barriers that are limiting exceptional performance. Whether it’s a process that needs refining, or an individual whose potential is not being recognized because of a miscasting, seek input from your team as to how to improve the situation and then move forward. By brainstorming with your team you are building trust and establishing a culture of continuous improvement.
Know Your Triggers
Whether you realize it or not, you are a product of your cumulative experiences and these experiences produce “triggers.” Triggers are emotional responses programmed into our psyche that can hijack our processes. Determine what your triggers are and learn to control them. This will allow you to communicate in a collaborative way and stay focused on the task at hand.
All new finance managers want to impress both those below and above them. By being responsive and reliable, removing barriers to performance and controlling your emotional triggers you can foster a culture of support and success.
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