It’s certainly nice to be wanted, to have two companies vying over you (or at least two job offers on the table).
But choices bring their own kind of stress. After all, what if you make the wrong decision? If you have to choose between two accounting job offers, consider asking yourself the following three questions.
Where Do I Want to Be in 5 Years?
While the best laid plans often go awry, it’s still important to have a sense of where you’d like your career to be in five years. One of the most effective ways to select between two accounting job offers, is to determine which organization offers you the greatest chance to grow professionally. Ultimately, there is no point in selecting a company that can’t support your career trajectory.
How Stable is the Company?
Even if you like the idea of the daily challenge of a fast-paced start-up, still consider the stability of the company when deciding between accounting job offers. Red flags such as high staff turnover, or a downward trend in profitability should not be ignored. If you are going to tie your career to a company, pick one that is generally viewed as stable and well-managed. Which brings us to our next point…
How Do I Like to Be Managed?
Hopefully you had the opportunity to meet your potential manager during the interview process. Remember, a great manager can make your job an opportunity for professional fulfillment. A poor manager, on the other hand, can make going to work a daily grind. At the end of the interview, politely ask your future manager to describe their leadership style. Determine if it matches how you like to be managed. If so, this is a checkmark in the “yes” column for that particular organization.
If you are blessed to have the opportunity to choose between two accounting job offers, consider asking yourself the three questions above to help guide your decision making process.