How to Increase Satisfaction in Your Accounting Job


Are you facing increasing dissatisfaction in your accounting job?  Do you feel that your leadership potential isn’t being explored, or is the day-to-day grind wearing you down?  Regardless of the reason, going to work each day with a sense of dread doesn’t serve anybody, least of all yourself.  Here are some constructive steps that you can take to increase job satisfaction.

Tip 1: Job versus Career
Jobs can be stepping stones to the next opportunity.  Focus on learning as much as you can, growing your network and seeing your current role as a way to increase your marketability and advance your career.  This mental shift can increase your fulfillment with your accounting job.

Tip 2: Take Action
Own your role.  Evaluate the processes you’re responsible for.  Are there inefficiencies that could be corrected?  No matter where you fall on the organizational chart, taking ownership of your accounting job puts your personal stamp on it, and this can lead to higher levels of satisfaction.

Tip 3: Consider a Change
Assess what it is about your role that is making you unhappy.  This blog, can offer you a roadmap to understanding the source of your dissatisfaction.  Perhaps you need the excitement of a fast-paced start up, or an industry that matches your core values more effectively.

If you think you’d like to work for a start-up, read our blog “5 Skills You Need to Rock Your Job at a Start-Up.”

Tip 4: Find a Mentor
Perhaps a change of industry or company isn’t in the cards.  If this is the case, consider approaching an individual you admire in the organization and asking him/her to be your mentor.  Ideally, he or she would take an active interest in your career, offering you strategic guidance when needed and being an advocate for you in the organization.  If your current manager isn’t a fit, look at the rest of the company.  Is there someone suitable that you can approach?

Read this article to learn how to ask someone to be your mentor.

Tip 5: Branch Out
Maybe you’re already drowning under your current workload and the idea of taking on additional responsibilities doesn’t seem like the right approach to increasing satisfaction in your accounting job.  But people seem to feel the greatest satisfaction in their work when there is a degree of autonomy.  Perhaps there is an opportunity for you to take on a leadership role on an initiative, or gain cross-functional experience?  With the right manager and corporate culture, you could take on additional work that interests you and increase your job satisfaction in the process.

Key Takeaways
If you want to increase your accounting job satisfaction there are several constructive steps you can take.  Try to see your job as a stepping stone in your career path.  Branch out by taking on different responsibilities or training cross-functionally.  Find a mentor that can help you navigate the political waters that come with any organization.  And if none of these things result in a positive shift, then consider changing roles, companies or industries.  You may be better suited to something else.  Regardless, you can always make your work more meaningful by taking ownership and doing everything you can to put your stamp on it.

Your Next Step
No one should walk the job search or hiring road alone. At Clarity Recruitment we help others realize their success through a process that marries proprietary technology with unwavering commitment. Contact us today to take control of your career, or to partner with us to hire well.

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