New Finance Job? How to Get Noticed at Work


There are always nerves when you start a new role. You want to make a positive first impression. But how do you do it without stepping on toes?

Here are 3 ways to make an impact in your first month on the job.


Meet with key stakeholders as soon as possible. You need to understand the people you’re reporting to and their pain points. Who is relying on you for information and how do they prefer to have it presented? Understanding people’s personalities and their individual drivers will help you build consensus down the road, position you as the ‘go to’ person and get you noticed for all the right reasons.

Key Deliverables
Take time to understand the key deliverables for your role at the 30, 60 and 90 day mark. Next pinpoint the low hanging fruit that you can tackle right away and deliver on.  You’re looking for things that will make a positive impact to the organization, while having the side effect of making your boss’ life easier.

A change in management can be challenging for the existing team. If you’re the new leader you need to earn their trust. One way to do this is to sit down with the team as a whole (and individually) to find out what is working and what needs improvement.  Now identify which areas are immediately actionable. You’ll have the positive offshoot of likely improving your team’s productivity in the process.

Starting a new role can be daunting.  If you want to make an impact, understand the key stakeholders and deliverables.  Note where you can accomplish some quick wins and then execute to achieve them.  If you’re a new leader, sit down with your team, identify their challenges and work to build trust.  In a short time you’ll feel the success that comes with taking the initiative and making an impact.