How to Hire Accountants


At the risk of hyperbole, you are the busiest person in the world. In fact, you’ve been so swamped with work and no one from the free world has heard from you in so long that your friends are leaving concerned messages and asking if you’ve enrolled into the witness protection program.

But that’s what happens when you’re short-staffed. Of course, there is a simple solution: hire someone to help you out.

Unfortunately, you lack the time and energy to do so – and, quite frankly, the confidence. While some past hires have turned out to be successful additions to your company’s roster, others have not fared nearly as well. And you really can’t afford a bad hire right now.

When you need to hire accountants, there are a number of things that you can do to make things easier for yourself and increase your chances of bringing on board someone who can deliver the goods for your organization.

Business Requirements

Your first order of business in hiring an accountant ought to be figuring out what’s in order for the business. By defining the specific business requirements of the role at the outset of the hiring process, you can save yourself time in the long run.

Don’t just look at the short-term needs of the position; consider how the role may change over time. Businesses are in a constant state of evolution; a candidate who’s perfect for the position today may not be successful over the long haul, as your company’s needs change. When you hire accountants, look for someone who has the skills and adaptability to be an asset today – and tomorrow.

Businesses are in a constant state of evolution; a candidate who’s perfect for the position today may not be successful over the long haul, as your company’s needs change.

Key Deliverables

When you hire accountants, you need to establish buy-in from the key stakeholders – the folks who will be most impacted by the hiring decision. One of the best ways to do this is to seek their input. Specifically, ask what kind of milestones a successful hire will need to meet in their first twelve months on the job.

Taking a collaborative approach will not only win over others; it will also help you accurately communicate your company’s expectations for the position to candidates. Including the three or four critical milestones prospective candidates will need to achieve will ensure that the people who apply for the role are a better fit for the position that you need to fill.

Team Dynamics

Don’t discount team dynamics when you hire accountants. The success of your hire can hinge on how well they mesh with the working rhythm and culture of their teammates. While it’s important to consider such qualities as strong listening and communication skills, it’s also important to assess what effect a new addition will have on team chemistry. Colleagues who are cut from different cloths may have trouble bonding or building trust with one another – and that can negatively impact their productivity.

Taking a collaborative approach will not only win over others; it will also help you accurately communicate your company’s expectations for the position to candidates.

Interviewing Schedule

One last tip for hiring accountants well is to compress the interviewing schedule as much as possible, so that quality candidates can be moved through quickly. Ensure that your colleagues are on standby in case a candidate impresses in the initial interview. That way, you can introduce your potential hire to the key decision-makers. Both the hiring committee and the candidate will be more inclined to sign off on a hiring decision, allowing you to speed things along.

Minding these details when you need to hire accountants will make the hiring process a little less painful and a lot more effective.

Let us know what you think! At Clarity Recruitment, we’re always interested in hearing from accounting and finance professionals like yourselves, who are ready for new, exciting opportunities that can take their careers to the next level. And be sure to follow us on Twitter (@clarityrecruits) and connect with us on Facebook for more great tips and advice!